Activity Based Learning

As the name suggests 'Learning by doing '. It is one of the pedagogical approaches of teaching where learning depends on hands-on activities. We already know that children are active learners rather than passive learners. From the beginning (childhood), the majority of the child's learning depends on what activity they do which can be, role play, mud play, sensory play, imaginative activities, or board games 

Each and every time a child performs an activity, it allows the child to learn through their own experiences, enjoy and make observational conclusions. 

Once on a summer vacation when I visited my sister's place. We decided to conduct a 2-day workshop on any random topics (Math) based on ABL. The results were really overwhelming. The children enjoyed their day thoroughly. (Can see in the images below). Some of the remarks taken as feedback states "I felt happy; feel good; It was an interesting workshop and I wish there should be more workshop like this; It was very interesting; I have never attend this type of workshop and it was fun time." etc.

Workshop photos

Remarks 1
Remarks 2

This is at ground level, but if we switch to a higher level too. ABL is more effective and interactive than the traditional approach. It also helps in minimizing the rote-memorization of topics, as it helps in increasing better understanding and conceptualization of topics. 

Being a mathematics teacher, let me put my focus on math education through ABL.

Mathematics for decades has formed its preimage in the minds of learners by being the most difficult subject/area to learn. Many questions arise in the learning mind like the best way or approach to learning; where do we use it; too much abstractness etc. 

ABL could be the answer to some of such questions. It is an example of a child-centered approach where it helps children to develop self-learning skills, observational sense, visualization, and resulted in decision making by active participation in the class. 

Some of the activities that students performed: finding the area of your classroom window (rectangular in shape), extracting area of trapezium from a rectangle, activity on Octant, triangle and its properties by using mathematics kits, A.M. and G.M., equality of matrices by taking things around you and many more. 


Activity performed by my students

Activity performed by my students

In each activity I found students participate wholeheartedly either in groups or individually at whatever pace they want. Showcasing an example of peer-learning, collaborative learning, inquiry-based learning, and outcome-based learning. They eagerly wait or ask when they will have their next activity class. I have observed that it may also give rise to critical thinking whenever a child starts self-questioning. 

Thus, the activity approach is a powerful strategy in the teaching and learning process of mathematics without ritualizing it, which can lose its pedagogic edge.

It really motivates a teacher when one student says " Ma'am, I remember that formula because we did activity based on it''


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